
Showing posts from March, 2019


A handy guide to help you understand your cosmo-liberal interlocutor - in case you thought words were what they used to be... Liberal = belonging to an ideology intolerant of incorrect speech Tolerant = refusing to tolerate incorrect opinions;  also : having the correct opinion, often referring in particular to automatically loving anything foreign Inclusive = refusing to include people with incorrect opinions Open-minded = refusing to consider incorrect opinions;  also : having the correct opinion, often referring in particular to loving anything foreign Narrow-minded =  conversely:  willing to consider all opinions;  also:  having come to an incorrect opinion Extreme =  having come to the incorrect opinion, e.g. opposed to extreme immigration [Note also "extremist" = a case needing to be conceptually separated from the group in order to uphold the concept of identicality of groups, e.g. "Islamic extremist" = not to be counted as a &