Initial note: I am not suggesting any particular policy solution to the problem I identify here, which is the unreasonable advantage conferred by inheritance; identifying a solution is, I expect, far beyond my capabilities, but I am trying to demonstrate that there is, in the first place, a problem to think about. When people talk about equality, they want to talk about rich and poor, but only on their terms. They want to talk about average incomes of races of genders. It is, for example, much more comfortable for rich people to talk about racial inequality, and how we should help a given racial group to raise its mean income, than to talk about poverty in the first place. Talking about racial equality, though it is a very interesting topic in its own right, is also a useful distraction, a diversion tactic which allows the richer half of the population to appear caring with little real threat to the economic ascendancy inheritance has granted them. We could even call this 'di...