
Showing posts from June, 2018


Britain is a historically individualistic country. Good. individualistic <--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->collectivist                                                                               Britain                         world in general Britain is an individualistic country today. Not so good. individualistic <--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->collectivist                                    Britain                        world in genera...

Supreme legislatures

Supreme Legislatures or Le gislation by court The Supreme Court of the United States has a particular dangerous habit from time to time, which is to act as the supreme legislature, and it is one that is a danger in any country where a court has the authority to dictate to governments and legislatures through judicial review. I could give two examples. Firstly, it has legislated that abortion is a right in the US constitution, and secondly, it has legislated that same-sex marriage is a right in the US constitution. Neither issue, of course, is mentioned in the US constitution, and it cannot be reasonably argued that the individuals who wrote the constitutional clauses cited — and who presumably understood fully the English language they were writing in — meant anything of the kind. Judging from opinion polls, it is likely every state would have legislated in favour of same-sex marriage anyway, while abortion laws would probably differ greatly from state to state. This is no...